Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Ankle

well the ankle is doing good. i have the boot now and i have been taking anti-inflammatory's and ibuprofen to help with the pain and swelling. but its doing ok. its raining outside now pretty good. today at lunch we had some amazing thunder that shook the entire cafe, it was very awe inspiring. having to wear this boot is very annoying. its helping me get around better but my toes stick out at the end and with it raining and puttles being everywhere i have to change my sock all the time. i think im on my 4th sock or something like that. we had our placement test today. there are 3 different levels that you might make it in. intermediate, advanced I and advanced II. im hoping i can get into the Advanced I place and then hopefully push into advanced II by 2nd quarter but we will see tomorrow. its still raining outside and its smells amazing. we have a party tonight at the ACA building which is good because all this hobbeling around on my foot takes a lot of energy and makes me hungry. well this one is going to be a short one i think i might try to take a nap and catch up on some lost sleep from last night!! love ya all


1 comment:

  1. Dude well that sucks about the ankle. But i am sure you wont die from soaked feet! :D
    Take care man!
