Sunday, September 13, 2009

Travel Day 1

I am now sitting in the Portland airport waiting to board my plane. In this short time I have realized how attached I have become to my cell phone. But since I don't have a cell phone any more (thats right people you can't call me!!) I did what any technologically savvy 19 year old would do, I pulled out my laptop to update my facebook and blog. :) I am looking forward to traveling. It has been awhile since I have been on a plane and I am actually looking forward to getting on one again. From here, it's a short hop to Seattle then a hour and a halfish layover then off to Dallas/Ft. Worth where I have about a 5 hour layover there. So I will have lots of time there to Facebook people and update my blog (not like there will be much to update). Well it's time for me to shut this thing off my plane boards now. I will let people know when I get to Dallas. Love you all.


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